Deploy Django App in Hostinger with OpenliteSpeed
The OpenLiteSpeed Django One-Click app automatically installs performance web server OpenLiteSpeed, and Django. This image tends to be up to 2.5 times faster than Django on Nginx with Gunicorn! Developers can update files directly without using the built-in development server. OpenLiteSpeed features easy setup for SSL and RewriteRules.
Quick Start
Connect using terminal
ssh root@use_your_server_ip
An interactive script that runs will prompt you for your domain or subdomain:
Please input a valid domain:
Please verify it is correct. [y/N]
if your domain is already pointed to this server, you will have the option of automatically applying Let’s Encrypt SSL. Enter y
and your email address to complete the process:
Do you wish to issue a Let's encrypt certificate for this domain? [y/N]
Please enter your E-mail:
Please verify it is correct: [y/N]
Once finished, you should see Certificate has been successfully installed...
Do you wish to force HTTPS rewrite rule for this domain? [y/N]
Visit the default script by entering http://Server_IP/
on your browser and you should see Hello, world!
You can also enter http://Server_IP/admin/
to get the Django administration page
Start editing the Django project under /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/
Please access into virtual environment first
source /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/bin/activate
Update system software.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Your system is installed and to use..
Set Up Demo Django Project:
Change owner:
chown -R nobody:nogroup /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/demo
Login to dashboard litespeed :7080/login.php
Set up a context via Web Admin > Virtual Hosts > Context > Add
- Type =
App Server
- URI =
- Location =
- Binary Path =
- Application Type =
- Startup File =
- Environment =
- Environment =
How to Access the Installed Software
cat .litespeed_password
Visit https://use_your_droplet_ip:7080
to access WebAdmin in a browser.
By default, WebAdmin uses port 7080. To allow access to 7080 from your IP(e.g.
ufw allow from to any port 7080
You can also allow all IPs access to port 7080:
ufw allow 7080
ufw delete allow 7080
How do I Restart the Python Process?
killall lswsgi (KILL ALL)